WildTrees – arbres sauvages d’Europe centrale

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Utvecklare: MICROMEGAS Éditions numériques
9.99 USD

Wild Trees is an appliguide that will come along you while hiking or walking in the street. It enables you to easily identify trees and shrubs that you come across without being connect to the web.
The author, Roland Keller, PhD in botany, did research on how to best define identification keys for different plant groups. Thanks to many years of field work he put together some efficient popularization techniques. He is also a talented illustrator and photographer. All these skills are put to work in Wild trees to make it both instructive and fun to use.
You will thus learn to observe and name about 150 species from Central Europe that can be observed in mountain or lowland forests, orchards and, why not ?, the town where you are living. Six criteria based on bark and leaves will help you to identify a wood plant.
Each species is illustrated with four photos displaying leaves, bark, flowers and fruits. In addition, specific information is provided such as plant size, flowering season, flowering pattern, fruit type, environment and toxicity.
Finally, the appliguide includes an alphabetical and illustrated list that will enable you to quickly find the plant you are interested in.
Wild trees is primarily visual. Information is provided in a very synthetic way, mainly through illustrations and photos.